Family Mediation Week. 17th - 21st January 2022

Family Mediation Week is taking place from 17th to 21st January 2022. The aim of Family Mediation Week is to raise awareness of mediation and how it helps separating families manage their issues productively and collaboratively.

The Geldards family team are committed members of Resolution who support family mediation week. With a highly experienced mediation team, we assist with the whole spectrum of issues arising from relationship breakdowns; offering practical and pragmatic guidance in relation to child arrangements and financial matters.

Throughout Family Mediation Week, as well as posting information and articles about mediation, we will be offering free initial chats to our clients and prospective clients, to discuss their suitability for mediation and how we can assist moving forward.

If you require help or assistance with divorce or any other family matter, please do not hesitate to contact Ranjit Kaur at or a member of our Family team below.

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