Charity Constitutions & Structure
Geldards has a wealth of experience in advising Charity clients how to make practical constitutional and structural changes to better cope with the demands of the current environment.
Restructuring isn’t always complicated but in all cases requires careful thought and specialist knowledge.
We can help you by reviewing your:
- Charitable objects and activities
- Administrative provisions
- Powers
We also advise our Charity clients on the most appropriate legal structure and guide them through the myriad of legal and regulatory issues to help them achieve their vision. Such issues can include regulatory, procurement and contracting, TUPE and pensions issues.
We can set up:
- Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs)
- Trusts
- Unincorporated Associations or clubs
- Limited Companies
- Community Interest Companies (CICs)
- Community Benefit Societies (formerly Industrial & Provident Societies)
- Co-operatives
- Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs)
- Other “mutuals” including Community Development Trusts
We are particularly experienced in advising faith-based organisations on their constitutions and legal structures. We can assist our clients to uphold their spiritual values whilst remaining legally compliant. Many of our team have personal links with the faith communities we advise, giving us a unique understanding of your priorities.
Related expertise include: Charity Law & Governance, Charity Mergers & Collaborations, Charity Trading & Operations.