Geldards celebrates Pro Bono Week 2023

Geldards is proud to support Pro Bono Week which is taking place from 6th-10th November 2023. Now in its 22nd year, this annual week-long celebration recognises the voluntary contributions of legal professionals who help to ensure the most disadvantaged people in society can get access to quality legal advice and justice.

Last year Geldards lawyers provided over 250 hours of pro bono advice equating to an impressive £75,000 worth of legal support. Throughout the week Geldards will be sharing case studies highlighting some of the different ways its lawyers have supported local charities with pro bono advice.

In celebration of Pro Bono Week Geldards is delighted to announce the launch of its new pro bono policy. Geldards is committed to enhancing social value and supporting local communities, and actively encourages pro bono activity through the firm’s ESG strategy.

Geldards Pro Bono activity will seek to support the following priorities:

  • Promoting Equal Opportunity
  • Fighting Climate Change
  • Tackling Economic Inequality (including Worklessness and Education Attainment)
  • Supporting Wellbeing (including Mental Health Support)

Geldards Chief Executive Jeff Pearson commented:

“Geldards is whole-heartedly committed to supporting our lawyers in delivering a range of pro bono activities. We boast a talented workforce who provide high quality legal advice across many different sectors and who are also committed to generously offering their time for good causes.

Our commitment to supporting the local communities where we live and work remains a priority for Geldards, and the launch of our pro bono policy during Pro Bono Week highlights just how important this is to us. The many hours which our dedicated lawyers have given to pro bono causes is to be applauded.”

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