Geldards’ Networks Team Complete Lease For Britannia Site
The Geldards’ networks team has successfully concluded a lease of three substation sites all under one lease with Hackney Council, which will bring huge improvements to the local area.
The Britannia Site, which is close to Shoreditch Park, will comprise a new state of the art leisure centre, a much-needed school and a housing estate of affordable homes.
The new buildings will replace the existing Britannia leisure centre, tennis courts and a showroom. Hundreds of new homes will offer genuinely affordable social rent and shared ownership and the school will meet the rising demand for school places in Hackney.
Jacob Hanson of Geldards, who dealt with the matter commented:
“We were delighted to be able to assist both Connections Legal Management and the Council in relation to this lease in order to help facilitate the development of the Shoreditch Park area. The benefits of this development will be felt within the local community for years to come.”