Geldards’ Partner Paul Southby installed as High Sheriff

We are delighted to announce that Geldards’ Dispute Resolution Partner, Paul Southby, has been installed as the 458th High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire. The role of High Sheriff is a royal appointment for 12 months and is made by the Queen on the recommendation of the Privy Council.

Paul has played an active role in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire’s business community for many years. He recently stood down as chair of Marketing Nottingham but remains on its board, championing inward investment and growth in the local economic area and the development of the visitor economy locally. He is chair of Nottingham Partners, Chair of Broadway Cinema and a member of the Nottingham Growth Board.

The origins of the Office of High Sheriff date back to Saxon times when the ‘Shire Reeve’ was responsible for law and order and the collection of taxes due to the Crown and it remains the oldest royal appointment. Supporting the Crown and judiciary are still key components of the role today and the 55 High Sheriffs across England and Wales also lend their support to crime prevention agencies, community groups, charities and voluntary organisations. It is an unpaid, independent and non-political role.

Paul has chosen to support Nottingham Partners‘ chosen charity of the year Switch Up, a programme to empower children and young people in Nottingham to break the cycle of offending and reoffending. Switch Up delivers mentoring as well as physical training in Nottingham and soon in Mansfield to help young people reflect on their lives and set positive goals and ambitions for a better future.

A declaration ceremony at which Paul commenced his duties as High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire was held at Broadway in April and was attended by the Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire Sir John Peace, the recorder of Nottingham His Honour Judge Gregory Dickinson QC, the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Craig Guildford, Marcellus Baz BEM of Switch Up, local political leaders as well as one very proud VIP, Paul’s Mum!

Paul commented:

“I am honoured to be taking on this historic role and am looking forward to supporting our City and County over the coming year through it. I am particularly pleased to lend my support to such a deserving and dynamic project as Switch Up which has real impact in improving the lives of young people in Nottinghamshire.
My main focus will be on supporting local community crime prevention projects and on supporting the work of our county police force and court services. In addition, I intend to do what I can to support our local arts and cultural venues and projects in their recovery post-pandemic.”

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