Health Board Investigating Potentially Delayed Cancer Diagnosis

The heart-breaking story of Justine Jianikos, a mother of three who given a delayed cancer diagnosis, has been covered by the BBC this week.

Ms Jianikos recalls how she attended her GP to have a painful lump in her armpit checked after initially being told it was a fibroadenoma. Despite an “urgent, suspected cancer” referral being made to the Health Board, Ms Jianikos explains there was a significant delay in her being assessed and diagnosed. Sadly, the cancer has now spread to her spine and lungs, and she is preparing her young daughters for a life without her.

The Coronavirus pandemic has put the NHS under significant pressure and as a result delays have occurred in referring and treating cancer patients. Cancer Research UK believe there is a real prospect of cancer survival rates reducing for the first time in decades and have called for urgent action from the government.

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