What is 'Family Mediation'?

Family mediation is a voluntary process to help separating couples resolve their differences away from Court. An impartial professional facilitates discussions, helping you to make informed decisions and reach agreement within a confidential framework.

Mediation provides an alternative way to settle differences without costly legal battles. It allows you to control the decisions that affect your family, your children, your finances and your future relationship.
The process helps to resolve the consequences of relationship breakdown by concentrating on the future and helping to sort out the practical and legal arrangements.
Mediation is not about getting couples back together but if there is a possibility of saving a relationship or if you would like to concentrate on the emotional aspects then the mediator may suggest counselling or family therapy for one or both of you.


Why Does it Work?

Most people want to settle their differences as efficiently, fairly and cost effectively as possible enabling them to move forward with their lives. Mediation helps to achieve those goals.
Our mediators will help you to examine your needs and priorities; enabling you to develop and discuss realistic and practical settlement options.
Encouraging communication through direct discussion, helps to identify solutions quickly and cost effectively.
Decisions are made by you both, not the mediators, lawyers or the court. You reach agreement – it is not imposed on you.


Who is it for?

Family mediation is a flexible and wide ranging. We commonly deal with the whole spectrum of issues arising from the breakdown of family relationships.

We help couples:

  •  Who are ending their relationship, whether living together, married or in a civil partnership
  • Who have separated or divorced and who want to make arrangements for children
  • Who have separated or divorced and what to make arrangements regarding finances
  • To review arrangements arising from a change in circumstance – whether in respect of children or finances
  • Who have family members who would like to resolve difficulties, for example grandparents spending time with their grandchildren


How does it work?

There is an initial Mediation Assessment Information Meeting (MIAM) that you can attend either on your own or with your former partner.
We will explain the process and will consider whether or not mediation is appropriate for you. You can then decide if you would like to proceed and what mediation model you feel would be most suitable.
Traditionally, further sessions would then be arranged and would usually be joint appointments, although separate appointments can be arranged in some circumstances. The service can be offered in person or remotely and for many couples not being in the same physical space has made mediation more comfortable and convenient.

Alternative models are also available and include:

  • Hybrid Mediation;
  • Co Mediation;
  • Child Inclusive Mediation; and
  • Shuttle Mediation.

In all mediation models, there is the option to involve other professionals as part of the process. Depending on your family’s needs, this could include accountants, financial advisers or independent social workers.

Our Resolution accredited mediators would discuss suitability and help you to decide the best way forward for you and your family.


How to find out more?

If you are keen to find out more, please feel free to contact Fiona or Claire

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