Annie is a Paralegal in the Education Team and assists on a wide range of education issues. These include special educational needs and appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.

Prior to joining Geldards, Annie studied Law at Manchester Metropolitan University, graduating in 2024. For her dissertation, she chose to focus on SEN/Education law, with the title The Provision of Support for Children with Cerebral Vision Impairments in Mainstream Schools: An Analysis of England’s Current Legal Framework. This academic pursuit allowed her to explore a key area of interest and expertise, which has shaped her professional career in the field of SEN/Education law.

Annie’s interest in this area of law was sparked by her personal experience, as her brother has a complex and comorbid profile of special education needs. Annie’s brother’s primary diagnoses include a rare genetic diagnosis of BoschBoonstra-Schaaf Optic Atrophy Syndrome, Cerebral Visual Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Annie has witnessed her parents navigate the Tribunal process and the numerous challenges of fighting for appropriate school placements and provision. This personal experience sparked a genuine passion for SEN/Education law and gave her a first-hand understanding of the struggles families face.

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