EV Chargepoint Grant – Key Points
The Government has published its guidance for landlords, flat owners, residential tenants and installers who want to access the EV Chargepoint Grant which comes into effect on the 1st April 2022.
Landlords should note the following about the new grant:
- The grant to buy and install EV chargepoint socket is limited to 75% of the cost up to a maximum of £350.
- The grant is per chargepoint socket installed.
- Landlords can receive up to a maximum of 200 grants (i.e. sockets) per residential property and a further 100 per commercial property in any financial year (6 April-5 April).
- Applications for residential and commercial property must be dealt with separately so for a mixed use site separate applications will be required for the chargepoints to be used for residential use and those for commercial use.
- The limit of how many grants a landlord can apply for in one application will depend on how many grants within the landlord’s allowance have already been claimed.
- Holiday rental properties are not covered by this grant.
- The grants for commercial properties are only available for chargepoint sockets dedicated to the property’s tenants, i.e. not general public use.
- Landlords will have to ensure they own the parking spaces where the chargepoints will be installed and will need to identify and arrange upgrades of electricity supply prior to applying for any grants.
- Landlords will have to register with DVLA prior to applying for the grants.
- OZEV approved installers must be used and if multiple installers are being used each will have to make a separate application.
- If the grants are awarded, OZEV will pay the installer who will pass on the discount.
Owner-occupiers and tenants who want to apply for a grant should note:
- They must live in rented accommodation or own a flat and have dedicated private off-street parking.
- They will no longer be able to claim for 2 chargepoints if they have a second EV vehicle.
- The list of approved chargepoints, installers and eligible vehicles is the same as under the EV Homecharge Scheme.
- Installers will continue to apply for the grant on their customer’s behalf and offset the grant amount from their bill.
- The grant continues to only apply to retro fit existing residential properties.
- The applicant must ensure it has all necessary consents and electricity connections in place prior to applying for the grant.
To take advantage of the grants, landlords, owner-occupiers and tenants will need to ensure they have the necessary electricity connections. Our head of Networks, Jamie Gordon, confirms that electricity providers such as Western Power Distribution and others are looking to make this connection process as easy and lawyer-light as possible.
However, early engagement remains a key ingredient to avoid delays often because the electricity upgrade works, as well as the chargepoint works, need the consent of other stakeholders who have legal interests in the land affected. Getting these can take time but they should be resolved before any grant applications are submitted as without these, the grant application could be refused or delayed.
Anyone wanting to benefit from the grant should make sure they are armed with the relevant information. As a trusted installer, Chris Everitt of EV Charging Solutions, once told me: “I tell clients we’ll help them work out what they want installed and where it needs to be located but then I tell them to call their solicitor to make sure it can be installed there otherwise their wasting their time and money!”